
Responsibility Responses

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We discussed Morale, last meeting, with regards to having fidelity for a cause. We concluded that Responsibility would be a good next topic - as that is what's needed to accomplish the goals of a cause. The link below is about a RACI Model - the optimum way to assign reposibilities in a team.

Call to Action

Submit a comment with the aspects of Responsibility that you want to discuss in our next meeting.


R = Responsible (also recommender)

Those who do the work to complete the task.[7] There is at least one role with a participation type of responsible, although others can be delegated to assist in the work required. (See also RASCI below for separately identifying those who participate in a supporting role.)

A = Accountable (also approver or final approving authority)

The one ultimately answerable for the correct and thorough completion of the deliverable or task, the one who ensures the prerequisites of the task are met and who delegates the work to those responsible.[7] In other words, an accountable must sign off (approve) work that responsible provides. There must be only one accountable specified for each task or deliverable.[8]

C = Consulted (sometimes consultant or counsel)

Those whose opinions are sought, typically subject-matter experts, and with whom there is two-way communication.[7]

I = Informed (also informee)

Those who are kept up-to-date on progress, often only on completion of the task or deliverable, and with whom there is just one-way communication.[7]