Toleration Quotes
John Locke
Sect. 233
"This therefore is the privilege of the people in general, above what any
private person hath; that particular men are allowed by our adversaries
themselves (Buchanan only excepted) to have no other remedy but
patience; but the body of the people may with respect resist intolerable
tyranny; for when it is but moderate, they ought to endure it."
"Toleration, in fine, never led to civil war; intolerance has covered
the earth with carnage. Choose, then, between these rivals--between
the mother who would have her son slain and the mother who yields,
provided his life be spared."
Marcus Aurelius
The Sixth Book
"X. If it were that thou hadst at one time both a stepmother, and
a natural mother living, thou wouldst honour and respect her also;
nevertheless to thine own natural mother would thy refuge, and recourse
be continually. So let the court and thy philosophy be unto thee. Have
recourse unto it often, and comfort thyself in her, by whom it is that
those other things are made tolerable unto thee, and thou also in those
things not intolerable unto others."
Julius Caesar
"LXXVIII.--Afranius's men were distressed in foraging, and procured water
with difficulty. The legionary soldiers had a tolerable supply of corn,
because they had been ordered to bring from Ilerda sufficient to last
twenty-two days..."
"XXXVI.--Cicero, who during all the foregoing days had kept his soldiers
in camp with the greatest exactness, and agreeably to the injunctions of
Caesar, had not permitted even any of the camp-followers to go beyond
the fortification, distrusting on the seventh day that Caesar would keep
his promise as to the number of days, because he heard that he had
proceeded farther, and no report as to his return was brought to him,
and being urged at the same time by the expressions of those who called
his tolerance almost a siege, if, forsooth, it was not permitted them to
go out of the camp, since he might expect no disaster, whereby he could
be injured, within three miles of the camp, while nine legions and all
the cavalry were under arms, and the enemy scattered and almost
annihilated, sent five cohorts into the neighbouring cornlands, between
which and the camp only one hill intervened, for the purpose of
Sanskrit transltd. by Sir Edwin Arnold
...The Soul, Thus passing forth from the Three Qualities--
Whereby arise all bodies--overcomes
Birth, Death, Sorrow, and Age; and drinketh deep
The undying wine of Amrit.
Oh, my Lord!
Which be the signs to know him that hath gone
Past the Three Modes? How liveth he? What way
Leadeth him safe beyond the threefold Modes?
He who with equanimity surveys
Lustre of goodness, strife of passion, sloth
Of ignorance, not angry if they are,
Not wishful when they are not: he who sits
A sojourner and stranger in their midst
Unruffled, standing off, saying--serene--
When troubles break, "These be the Qualities!"
He unto whom--self-centred--grief and joy
Sound as one word; to whose deep-seeing eyes
The clod, the marble, and the gold are one;
Whose equal heart holds the same gentleness
For lovely and unlovely things, firm-set,
Well-pleased in praise and dispraise; satisfied
With honour or dishonour; unto friends
And unto foes alike in tolerance;
Detached from undertakings,--he is named
Surmounter of the Qualities!"
Mohammed (Peace be Upon Him) - Arabic trnsltd. by G. Margoliouth and J. M. Rodwell
"To you hath He prescribed the faith which He commanded unto Noah, and which
we have revealed to thee, and which we commanded unto Abraham and Moses and
Jesus, saying, "Observe this faith, and be not divided into sects therein."
Intolerable to those who worship idols jointly with God
Is that faith to which thou dost call them. Whom He pleaseth will God choose
for it, and whosoever shall turn to Him in penitence will He guide to it."
Book of Matthew
"10:15 Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for the land
of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city."
"9:15 Nevertheless I say unto you, that it shall be more tolerable for
them in the day of judgment than for you, if ye remain in your sins,
yea, and even more tolerable for them in this life than for you, except
ye repent.
9:16 For there are many promises which are extended to the Lamanites;
for it is because of the traditions of their fathers that caused them
to remain in their state of ignorance; therefore the Lord will be
merciful unto them and prolong their existence in the land."
Oral Law of Israelites
Maakhaloth Asuroth, c. ix. 17.
“With respect to meat which falls into milk, or milk that falls into the
midst of meat, the measure is, if it give a taste? How so? If a peace of
meat fall into a boiling pot of milk, a Gentile is to taste the contents
of the pot: and if he says that it has a taste of meat, then it is
unlawful. But if it has not the taste of meat, then the milk is lawful,
but that piece of meat is unlawful. In what cases does this hold? In
case that the piece of meat has been taken out, before it has emitted
the milk which it has sucked in. But if it has not been taken out, then
a calculation must be made whether its proportion to the whole is as one
to sixty; because the milk that was sucked in, and had become unlawful,
has been emitted and has mixed with the rest of the milk.”